Monica K Evason


Your partner in building meaningful human connection


If you invest in developing yourself, you’re investing in your future success. 

Making human connection doesn’t just feel good, it impacts the bottom line.

Contact me to discuss how we can work together.

How we can work together

When navigating through change, whether work-related or personal, sometimes we need space and guidance to think, and sometimes we need active help finding answers. I wear both hats!
Now more than ever, successful leadership focuses on working better together. I deliver off-the-shelf or tailor-made/co-created communication programmes that are outcome focused. 
Being busy isn’t sexy; it impacts relationships, decision making and success. Taking time out with people going through similar transitions in life helps to bring a fresh perspective.

People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Maya Angelou

What People Say About Me...